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Meeting and Discussion with David Berdzenishvili PDF Print E-mail


On the 23rd of June, in Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia a meeting and discussion with David Berzdenishvili, the Chairman of “Georgian Dream Republicans” faction, member of the parliamentary committee for Diaspora and Caucasus issues, member of the parliamentary Committee on Regional Policy and Self-government, took place.

The Armenian intellectuals of Georgia, representatives of non-governmental and community organizations attended the meeting.

The Policy of Georgian Dream Coalition with Regard to Religious and Ethnic Minorities” was the discussion topic.

Levon Isakhanyan, Adviser to the Head of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, the Head of the Legal Department of the Diocese, opened the meeting. He reminded about the initiative of the Diocese through these meetings and discussions with the representatives of legislative and executive bodies, to obtain information about the policy, regarding to Georgian citizens, who belong to national minorities, as well as enlighten the authorities about the problems concerning them.

David Berdzenishvili welcomed the audience and presented in detail the activities of the Republican Party of Georgian Dream coalition, future goals, domestic and foreign policy of the country, the various aspects of the relations between Georgia and the Republic of Armenia.

Later the politician answered the questions that related to the construction of the railway Akhalkalaki-Kars, the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the restitution of confiscated Armenian churches to the Armenian community of Georgia, the allocation of posts for Tbilisi Armenians in the executive branch and to the employment problem in general.

It is worth noting that Mr. Berdzenishvili answered the questions objectively and with specific comments, avoiding empty promises and false excuses.

The meeting was held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and interest. Georgian mass media covered the meeting.

That was the third meeting with politicians, organized by the Armenian community of Georgia. The first meeting was held with David Darchiashvili on the 4th of May. The number of similar meetings will continue in the future.