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The Concert in Honor of the International Day of Children's Protection PDF Print E-mail


The International Day of Children's Protection at the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia was marked with a splendid concert. It was organized by «Drum School» Youth Percussion Ensemble of Tbilisi School of Arts № 20 named after A. Shanidze and St. Nerses Shorhali Kids Vocal Ensemble of the “Hayartun” Center.

The Union of Armenian Musicians of Georgia and the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia together with Tbilisi School of Arts № 20 named after A. Shanidze initiated the event.

The coordinator of the “Hayartun” Center Levon Chidilyan congratulated all participants on the International Day of Children's Protection, and wished them peaceful and happy childhood.

After that the organizer of the event, the Chairman of the Armenian Musician's Union of Georgia Artem Kirakozov presented «Drum School» Youth Percussion Ensemble (artistic directors – Konstantin Vardanov, a lecturer at V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory, and his son Giorgi Vardanov, a graduate from the Conservatory and soloist at Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili Opera and Ballet State Theatre) of Tbilisi School of Arts № 20 named after A. Shanidze (Principal Alla Laperashvili).

The members of the «Drum School» Youth Percussion Ensemble – Anna Alavidze, Ravil Alazov, Nika Gobejishvili, Anna and Rati Dzebitsashvili, Tata Iritsyan, Natalia Maisuradze, Davit Lutidze, Zurab Makharadze, Aleksandre Toloraia were greeted with tumultuous applause from the audience, they superbly performed the pieces by Armenian, Georgian and foreign composers playing the trumpet, flute and various percussion instruments. Happily, St. Nerses Shorhali Kids Vocal Ensemble (conductor Mara Abulyan) joined their performance, which was accompanied by Dodo Badalashvili playing the piano. The choir performed classical, spiritual and pop songs, creating the perfect
aesthetic impression.

The spiritual shepherd of Surb Etchmiadzin Church in Tbilisi Priest Samvel Torosyan blessed the audience and praised the members of both ensembles for the perfect performance, appreciating the large contribution of ensembles leaders and educators Giorgi Vardanov and Mara Abulyan to a sincere performance of musical instruments and songs. The spiritual father expressed hope that this joint concert would mark the beautiful beginning of the collaboration of two promising groups - «Drum School» Youth Percussion Ensemble and St. Nerses Shorhali Kids Vocal Ensemble of the “Hayartun” Center. In connection with the International Day of Children's Protection he distributed the images of saints to the leaders and members of guest ensemble.

The concert, which was full of brilliant performances and inspiring children's mood, ended with cheerful hospitality.