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The 95th Anniversary of Satkha Heroic Resistance Was Marked in Javakheti PDF Print E-mail


On 1 June, 2013 in Satkha village of Ninotsminda region the 95th Anniversary of Satkha Heroic Resistance was solemnly marked.
On 5 December, 1917, after the conclusion of the armistice with Turkey, Russian troops started to retreat from the front line – Ninotsminda region, the Armenians and Georgians were left alone and had to face the powerful Turkish armed forces, which after some time took the offensive to conquer the entire Transcaucasia. Armenians of Satkha, Akhalkalaki, and of whole Javakhk, joined by the local Georgians, prevented this attack;

they repeatedly defeated the enemy in Satkha village and forced the Turkish invaders to leave the area. The 1st of June is the day when the defenders gave the final battle.
The Sanosyans family - headed by Aram Sanosyan, has established the event in honor of this day, which was created in the years of independence of Georgia. On this already traditional holiday many people had gathered at the monument to Satkha Heroic Resistance. Residents of Satkha and other nearby villages had gathered, guests from Armenia, Tbilisi and other Georgian regions had arrived. Diplomats of RA embassy to Georgia, representatives of the regional administration and other officials attended the ceremony.
The event started with prayer for the repose of the souls at Surb Metsn Nerses Church of the village, the ceremony was conducted under the leadership of the Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, and with the participation of Vicar of Javakhk Supreme Archimandrite Babken Salbiyan.
A festive ceremony began after the flowers and wreaths were laid at the monument’s pedestal. President of “Vernatun” Union Gevorg Snkhchyan was the host of the event.
Candidate of historical sciences Artyusha Sanosyan, as well as other figures of art and culture, delivered a speech.
The song and dance ensembles of Ninotsminda and Akhalkalaki departments of culture provided the artistic part of the event.
At the end of the celebration the Head of The Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed the audience. He congratulated on the occasion of the holiday, praised the work conducted by the Sanosyans family, and recalled fallen heroes.
Horseback riding, chess games, football competitions and other sport games were organized during the event.
At the end of the celebration the blessing of the traditional sacrifice (Armenian “matagh”) took place, which afterwards was given to people.

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