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Giovanni Vepkhvadze PDF Print E-mail


On 5 May, 2013 the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall at the “Hayartun” Cultural Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia hosted a creative evening of the famous painter and great master of the portrait Giovanni Vepkhvadze. Paintings of the famous artist are long-familiar to art lovers of Armenian society in Tbilisi. He frequently presented his works at the exhibitions covering various themes, organized in the Armenian house of culture in Georgia. This time the artist Vepkhadze presented to the Armenian audience not only his portraits, but the second book of short stories as well.

The initiator of the event Artem Kirakozov opened the presentation and appreciated Giovanni Vepkhvadze as an author who offered to the reader tasteful, simple and sincere stories which make you laugh and cry.

Armenian, Russian and Georgian representatives of readers’ society, people knowing and appreciating the writer and artist Giovanni Vepkhadze attended the presentation of the book “Giovanni Tells”, in which the author shares the memorable events of his life, emotions and experiences.

Editor Boris Galustov, Nikolai Gijhimkreli, Yegor Amzoev and others welcomed the presentation of the book written by Giovani Vephvadzes and exhibition of portrait works, they underlined the warmth of human relations expressed in the stories of writer Vepkhvadze and the activities conducted at the “Hayartun” Center.

The Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed the audience and praised Giovanni Vepkhvadze as a universal man, kind and good Christian, and named this trait as the biggest gift of this creative personality, - concluded the Head of the Diocese.

Meritorious Artist of Georgia Robert Hovhannisyan and the poet Garry Kalamkarov performed a declamation of Giovanni Vepkhvadze stories during the presentation.

