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The Deputy Minister of Culture of Georgia Attended the Creative Evening of the Honored Artist of Georgia and a Holder of the Order of Honor Michael Grigoryan PDF Print E-mail

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On 16 March, 2013 by the initiative of the Union of Armenian Intellectuals of Georgia at the “Hayartun” Cultural Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia, in the Hall of Calouste Gulbenkian, the evening and first solo exhibition of creative works dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Artist of Georgia, a holder of the Order of Honor Michael Grigoryan took place . Marina Mizandari, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, Mr. Hovhannes Manoukian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic

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of Armenia to Georgia, Van Baiburtian, Advisor to the President of Georgia and the editor of "Vrastan" ("Georgia"), Advisor to the Minister of Culture of Georgia Yuri Mechitov attended the exhibition.

The Chairman of the Union of Armenian Intellectuals of Georgia Ruben Torosyan presented the artist’s way, the speaker recalled Michael Grigoryan’s years of work as a Chief Director in Petros Adamian Tbilisi State Armenian Drama Theatre and his theatrical performances of Armenian and Georgian playwrights. The years of work of Michael Grigorian as the editor of the Armenian broadcasts on Georgian radio and his activities on TV channels RTR and ORT in Moscow were no less productive.

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Georgia welcomed Michael Grigorian in connection with his creative evening and mentioned that the theatrical activities of the professional stage director had made the invaluable contribution in the development of Georgian culture, she also conveyed greetings and best wishes from Minister of Culture Guram Odisharia.

All the speakers appreciated the creative diversity of Michael Grigorian’s talent, they noted his isolation from society and creative work behind closed walls for 20 years, the product of which was about 300 oil and watercolor paintings, as well as wonderful poetry written in three languages .

At the end of the evening the head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan delivered a speech and advised Michael Grigoryan to go out more often, to devote himself to the education of future generations, to share his experience and knowledge, and to develop and deepen the Armenian cultural life in Georgia.

The talented director and great artist appeared before the audience with artistic speech in three languages, he recited his poems, written in Armenian, Russian and Georgian. The evening, which was held in the form of a dialogue, for Michael Grigorian was an expression of devotion to both motherlands, of love towards his own people, and of gratitude for the unification of the Armenian community in Georgia. This event was a beautiful evening, demonstrating the potential of talented artist.