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The session of the Interfaith Religious Council of Georgia took place PDF Print E-mail

meeting of the Board of religionsOn November 26, 2018, session of the Interfaith Religious Council of Georgia took place at the Headquarters of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia with the participation of the Primates of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church in Georgia, Department of Caucasian Latin Catholics, Evangelical Lutheran Church and Evangelical Baptist Church in Georgia.
The chairman of the Council at the current year – Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan welcomed the guests and presented the agenda of the session:
a)    Organizing the Ecumenical gathering in 2019;
b)    Organizing an Ecumenical concert dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Komitas Vardapet (celibate priest).
Members of the Council decided to hold the Ecumenical Prayer in 25 January, 2019, at the Saint Peter and Saint Paul's Roman Catholic Church in Tbilisi. Taking to account the fact that in 2019 the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church's administration will be celebrated, it was decided to hold a joint prayer and eventually organize a festive reception.
According to the decision made by the Interfaith Council, an organizational committee will be set up during the coming days in order to organize the Ecumenical Prayer properly and at the high level.
In connection with the second issue of the agenda, churches' heads decided to organize the 150th anniversary of Komitas Vardapet on May21, 2019, in one of the best concert halls of Tbilisi. The Council Members made a suggestion that the Choirs of the sister churches will perform songs of Komitas, as well as their church songs devoted to Komitas Vardapet.  
Among the guests will be bishops of German Lutheran Church of Eastern Europe who will be in Tbilisi during these days within the framework of some programs.
At the session of the Interfaith Religious Council of the churches' leaders the interchurch issues were touched upon.
Assistant to the Primate for Legal Affairs and Cooperation Michael Avagyan was present at the meeting.