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The first Armenian-Georgian class at Batumi Public School PDF Print E-mail

A1The new, 2018-2019 academic year became a truly historical event. On September 17, 2018, the school bell rang in the new academic year not only for all Georgia's schoolchildren, but also for those first graders from N4 Georgian School who were admitted to the Armenian-Georgian class.  
The bilingual program, which is unprecedented in Georgia, provides an opportunity to study Armenian language and literature in parallel with the Georgian language within the framework of Georgian National Educational Program. This project is the right way to integrate Adjara's young generation into civil society of the country.
The author of the initiative to open the Armenian-Georgian class is the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the coordinator and organizer is the Pastor of Armenians in Adjara, Guria, Imereti and the Saint Savior (Surb Prkich) church in Batumi, Rev. Father Ararat Gumbalyan. The Ministries of Education and Science, Departments of schools of the Republic of Georgia and the Autonomous Republic of Adjara provided their support to the implementation of this project. 41958011 1805011502952170 688326044565897216 o
The start of the new academic year was festive. The Director of the school Mrs. Manana Tavartkiladze, Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Batumi Yeghishe Sargsyan welcomed and congratulated the first graders of the Armenian-Georgian class. They unequivocally highlighted the need for the education of young generation in two languages.
In his congratulatory speech Rev. Father Ararat Gumbalyan conveyed the fatherly blessings and good wishes of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan. The Pastor offered his blessings to the Ministries of Education and Science of Georgia and Adjara, to the directorate and teaching staff of the N4 School to support this initiative of the Armenian Diocese and giving an opportunity to the Armenian children to study their native language 41895180 1805010432952277 6940598155981357056 oand literature during their school years in parallel with the official language of the state.
Afterwards, first class teacher Khatuna Tsintsadze, Georgian language teacher Nana Malaghmadze and Armenian language teacher Satenik Danielyan accompanied the children to their beautifully decorated classroom where the tasty cake with the “Welcome” writing on it was waiting for them.
The attendance of the Georgian-Armenian school's graders to the school and their return to homes is carried out through the special transport. A long-term group will be operating for this class, where teacher will help the children to do their homework of Georgian and Armenian languages and mathematics. The expenses necessary for the implementation of all these initiatives are provided by the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and Pastorate of Adjara.

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