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Reporting meeting of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia for the first half of 2018 PDF Print E-mail

A1On July 30, 2018, the reporting meeting on the semi-annual activities of the spiritual pastorates, departments as well as educational, cultural and youth centers of the Armenian Diocese, took place at the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.  
The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan presided over the meeting. In attendance were the clergy, officials of the Diocese, department staff.
The meeting began with the Lord's Prayer and the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. Afterwards, 20180730 115757Director of the Press and Media Department Susanna Khachatryan presented the activities of following structures during the first half of 2018:
a)    The Diocesan churches and spiritual pastorates,
b)    Diocesan Departments,
c)    Educational, Cultural and Youth Centers operating under the auspices of the Diocese.
The report included 12 spiritual pastorates, seven departments and seven educational, cultural and youth centers. The report was presented through slideshow with corresponding photos and texts on the screen.
The progress in the relations and collaboration with the state institutions and religious communities, the study and preservation of Armenian spiritual values in Georgia and social assistance was noticeable in the protocol of activities of the Diocese.
Each part of the report was followed by additions, comments and opinions of the spiritual pastors, directors of departments and heads of centers, as well as questions and expression of the approaches by attendees, interesting and informative discussions.
20180730 113857Afterwards, the Diocesan Primate touched upon the importance of being united around the Armenian Church, upbringing in accordance with God's Commandments, Holy Baptism, Holy Matrimony and other rituals, giving assessments and new assignments.
The issue of the entrance of Armenian children to the Armenian schools in Tbilisi put forward active discussions. The first step towards Armenian schools the children should do in the “Surb Movses Khorenatsi” (“Saint Moses of Khoren”) preschool of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The report of the Cultural Department included the activities of the “Hayartun” and “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Centers in Tbilisi, “Alexander Mantashev” Center in Batumi, “Saint Gregory of Narek” Center in Rustavi, “Rafael Javakh” Center in Ninotsminda, as well as works carried out by Archbishop Karapet Bagratuni in Akhalkalaki, “Khrimyan Hayrik” preschool in Arakova and the Spiritual Superintendence of Akhaltsikhe. It showed the noticeable improvement activities of the centers in directions of spirituality, charity, culture and preservation of Armenian identity.  
A proposal was made to give preschool students an advantage over the admission to the Armenian school. The issue on opening of a one-day preschool on 20180730 1218290Saturdays for 7-9 years old children in the spiritual center of Rustavi was discussed. A decision was made to name the Sunday school of the Prelacy after Grigor Tatevatsi (Gregory of Tatev).
Concluding the meeting, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese highly appreciated the clergy of the Diocese for their honest service, encouraged them to continue their work with selfless love and devotion, to spread the Holy Gospel of Christ and protect the Armenian spiritual and cultural values in Georgia and continue to satisfy the spiritual needs of the Armenians in Georgia. The Diocesan Primate offered his blessings to the participants of the meeting, positively evaluated the work done by the heads of departments and centers and gave new assignments as a guideline for further activities. Levon Chidilyan, Director of the Cultural Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the Head of the “Hayartun” Center, who will continue his activity in another direction, gave farewell remarks. He presented the changes in the personnel and working conditions of the Diocese.    
The semi-annual reporting meeting concluded with the “Protector” prayer by the Diocesan Primate.

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