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Tbilisi-Armenian ladies visited “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center PDF Print E-mail

A1On Saturday and Sunday, at the initiative of the Association of Armenian Women in Georgia “Shushanik” the Tbilisi-Armenian women visited “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center, the former apartment of Hovhannes Tumanyan in Tbilisi.
It is true, that it’s almost a year that the Center was established in the capital Tbilisi, in the IMG 6107former apartment of the Poet of All Armenians, but not all Armenians in Tbilisi had an opportunity to enjoy the inspirited atmosphere of Tumanyan's house. But the wish was great.  And since the number of people who want to attend the renovated apartment which was turned into a center, is very large, it was decided to organize visits on two days – Saturdays and Sundays.
On 9 and 10 June 2018, more than two dozen women in each group, including former teachers of Armenian language and literature, teachers of different subjects, students of faculties of Armenian studies as well as admirers of Tumanyan's works, led by Susanna Khachatryan, Chairwoman of the Association of Armenian Women in Georgia “Shushanik”, attended the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center.
During two days, the attendees were welcomed by the Director of the Center Gisane Hovsepyan. The latter told the history of the Center, its mission and vision of the future. The visitors with great IMG 6177interest and gratitude watched the renovated and old-fashioned rooms which have maintained the atmosphere of Tumanyan’s era. They enjoyed the happiness of walking in the house of the great poet, feel creative atmosphere, which is spread in the house. IMG 6204
Staying true to the tea party tradition of Tumanyan's family, the guests took seats around the table on the beautiful balcony. The founder of the puppet theatre of the Center Armen Hovhannisyan and actor Ashot Simonyan told to the “vernanushes” (as the All-Armenian poet named the women guests of the “Vernatun” Union of Armenian Writers of Georgia) interesting stories and memories of the poet during the tea party. The small parchments, at which Tumanyan's philosophical quatrains and extracts from his works were written, made by Armen Hovhannisyan and Ashot Simonyan were nice surprise for the attendees.
Seating around the tea table, Tbilisi-Armenian women read the parchments, feeling the simplicity and at the same time the complication and deepness of Tumanyan’s works, enjoying their immortal charm. Many guests recited not only extracts from Tumanyan's works, but also whole poems, performed songs, written in words of his poems.
With bright impressions, feeling of deep gratitude the visitors took a group photo and took with them perceptions and emotions of Tumanyan's rich literature.

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