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RA President visited Cathedral of Saint George of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

A1On May 26, 2018, at the invitation of President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili, President of the DSC04913Republic of Armenia Armen Sarkissian and his wife Nune Sarkissian participated in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Georgia. In the framework of the visit, despite the saturated celebration program, President Sarkissian and his wife, accompanied by the members of the delegation, visited the Cathedral of Saint George of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
Armenian members of the Georgian Parliament, representatives of local authorities and non - governmental organizations from Armenian populated regions, heads of Armenian community organizations in Tbilisi, members of Armenian community in Georgia and many faithful gathered at the ancient Armenian Church.DSC04926
DSC04917Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, accompanied by clergy, welcomed the guests from Motherland.
In the courtyard of the Cathedral of Saint George, high-ranking Armenian officials were welcomed with traditional bread and salt. President Sarkissian and the delegation members laid flowers on Sayat-Nova's tomb.
Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia greeted the President and members of delegation inside the church. His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan conveyed blessings and good wishes of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. His Grace expressed gratitude to the DSC04936worthy sons of Armenian nation, with the support of which renovation of Cathedral of Saint George was carried out, DSC04961he also presented ancient church's history, frescoes on the church walls created by famous Hovnatanyans and Bashinjaghyans.
Diocesan Primate talked about Armenians’ supreme goal – preservation of native language, development of culture and maintenance of faithfulness towards church. Highly appreciating the caring attitude of Georgian authorities towards Armenian spiritual Diocese and Armenian community, significant role of Armenian community in development and strengthening of the Armenian and Georgian friendly ties, His Grace Vazgen Mirzakhanyan emphasized the importance of the progress, development and victories of our Motherland, which inspires every IMG 4674Armenian person, increases their sense of patriotism, whether it be a way of solving problems or way of struggle.33867148
In honor of RA President's visit, well-known violinist Gary Nalbandian played Komitas's “Krunk” (“The Crane”).
President of the Republic of Armenia greeted the members of Armenian community in Georgia. Mr. Sarkissian urged attendees always and everywhere to guide by the sense of Armenianness, to live with pride of Armenian and be proud of being an Armenian, because it is the ideology of Motherland, which has been expressed in revolution took place recently and becoming a demonstration of unity, patriotism and pride.
Diocesan Primate presented the RA President with the book-album, published by Initiatives for Development of Armenia (IDeA) Foundation on 33579843the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Saint George.
Despite the heavy rain, in the church courtyard, traditional Armenian folk dance “Kochari” was performed as a symbol of unity. The dance also was considered as a participation of Armenians of Georgia in pan-Armenian project “Let's dance Kochari”, which took place on May 26 and was carried out by Armenians living in various corners of the world in honor of May victories and unity of Armenian people.
“Taron” Dance Ensemble of the “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, as well as “Ani”, “Vank” (“Monastery”) and “Jeyran” Dance Ensembles took part in dance “Kochari” and were joined by numerous young and old people.
In honor of President of the Republic of Armenia and other guests, reception was organized at the Headquarters of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.

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