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Breath of Yeghishe Charents’s poetry soared at the “Hayartun” Center PDF Print E-mail

A1On May 19, 2018, the immortal pathos of works of Motherland’s enduring warrior, fervent patriot Yeghishe Charents prevailed in the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The literary and musical event was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the great poet. The participants were the students of the “Surb Yeghia Margare” (“Saint Elias the Prophet”) Sunday school of the Educational Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, headed by teacher Roza Zohrabyan.
The event began with the Lord’s Prayer and blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, DSC04805His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan. And the praise of the Armenian literature pioneer Yeghishe Charents’s immortal, glowing, bellicose poetry spread. The event was a reminder of the literary pages, the sounds of poetry samples, which through the speech saturated with quotes and sayings again and again captivated, fascinated the attendees, in particular, Diplomats of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, representatives of Armenian intellectuals of Georgia and guests from the village of Korkh, (Akhalkalaki region) who live in Russia.
DSC04832It deserves high appreciation that Armenian youth who speaks in foreign languages, one or two years ago were deprived of Armenian language and knew so little about Charents, recited poems of the great Armenian writer in native language, presented not only pages of life of the immortal poet, but also proper analysis of his works’ unique style and linguistic structure. The love and appreciation of the students towards other great Armenian writers’ heritage also should be mentioned.
Indeed, the event was marvelous. The work done by honored teacher was admirable. She also took part in the event IMG 3975and with her beautiful and rich Armenian speech made the literary and musical evening more meaningful and impressive.
The event became more interesting due to the performances of the modern and popular songs written on the basis of 120 years old poet’s poems, performed by soloist of the Center Aida Bazoyan and teacher Roza Zohrabyan, with the dudk and dhol accompaniment. At the end of the event, the poem “I love my sweet Armenia’s” recited by the students of Sunday school, became an oath to love and keep the native language and always to be proud of Motherland.
Harutyun Hayrapetyan, Head of the Press Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, Professor Emma Akhtyan, actress Melanya Barseghyan and lecturer Aghasi Gevorgyan expressed their appreciation and gratitude for their impressions of the evening and this beautiful opportunity to remind the poetry of great writer.
IMG 3993The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed attendees and expressed his gratitude. His Grace called the Charents’ era a turning point, when it was crucial to maintain the Armenian identity and keep being Armenian. And Yeghishe Charents, the great Armenian writer, became one of the ideologists of the time, who gave a new breath to the people and encouraged them to maintain the national values. The Diocesan Primate thanked the well-known, talented and honored teacher Roza Zohrabyan, who is always presenting Armenian literature in a new way and, which is the most important, makes it the property of these young people who were deprived of Armenian language.
The literary and musical event dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Yeghishe Charents became an expression of immortality of the writer, as well as the test of knowledge of Armenian language for Sunday school’s students and congratulation on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia.

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