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Armenian community of Georgia paid tribute to the memory of Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide PDF Print E-mail

DSC04326On April 24, 2018, Commemoration Day of 1.5 million canonized martyrs of the Armenian Genocide; events took place in the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, expressed emotional and heartfelt demand for justice under the motto “I Remember and Demand”.A1
On the eve of the Commemoration Day, event dedicated to the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was held in the Grand Royal Ballroom Hall of the Biltmore Hotel in Tbilisi, which was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia. After the event, the Torchlight procession started from the central streets of Tbilisi to the Embassy of Turkey in Georgia and a short demonstration took place.
On the next day, on April 24, from the early morning the flow of people to the Saint Etchmiadzin Church started. People came to participate in the Divine Liturgy celebrated in memory of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. The celebrant was His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, Primate of the Armenian IMG 0940Diocese in Georgia.
Diplomats of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, their spouses, community figures, intellectuals, public figures and many faithful were present at the Divine Liturgy.IMG 0950
After the Divine Liturgy, attendees, led by His Grace Vazgen Mirzakhanyan and accompanied by the diaconate, walked up to the cross-stone in the church courtyard dedicated to the memory of the Genocide victims, The Diocesan Primate presided over the Intercessional Rite, the commemoration of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide was held.
Afterwards, the Diocesan Primate offered a sermon reflecting on the mystery of the day. Touching upon the pages of the history of the Armenian people, recorded for the faith and struggle for the motherland, His Grace beseeched the intercession for 1.5 million canonized martyrs of the Armenian Genocide, IMG 1012as well as for Armenian people, our motherland and soldiers who are protecting its borders. The Diocesan Primate emphasized strong will of Armenian people to maintain national values, respect the tragic pages of their history, which is reflected in prayers, lighting candles, requiem services and commemoration. IMG 1059His Grace expressed gratitude to the countries and peoples in particular, Arab and Georgian peoples for accepting the Genocide survivors, who escaped from extermination and giving them a shelter. His Grace ended his commemorative speech with remarks on the recent change of power in Armenia and called attendees for unity and solidarity.
The attendees laid flowers to the cross-stone in the church courtyard.
Afterwards, on the initiative of the NGO Armenian Community of Georgia, members of Armenian community by buses moved to the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, where a peaceful demonstration was held.
IMG 1174Samvel Mkrtchyan, Chairman of the Armenian Community of Georgia, delivered opening remarks and named April 24 the day of unity of Armenians and urged the attendees to fight for the restoration of justice for the Armenian cause. IMG 1264
If during the years, the demonstration of the Armenian community in Tbilisi, near the Embassy of Turkey was going on in a peaceful atmosphere, this year a small Turkish and Azerbaijani group organized an anti-demonstration. Participants of the anti – demonstration with flags, posters, recorded noise and applauses and chanting “Karabakh, Karabakh” were trying to deafen the speeches of the Armenian demonstrators. Perhaps, due to the vigilance of the Georgian police, the peaceful process of demonstration was ensured. Police officers formed a barrier and participants of the unauthorized anti – demonstration were moved to the yard of the Embassy.
IMG 1298The participants of the demonstration in front of the Embassy of Turkey, in Armenian, Georgian, English and Turkish languages expressed their protest against Turkey's denial policy of the Genocide committed against Armenian people during the 1915-23. They demanded that Turkey must be subject to liability for its crimes in accordance with the international law.
During the demonstration, sounded calls for condemnation, recognition and compensation which were harmonized with patriotic songs and dances as well as with the “Kochari” and “Yarkhushta” dances, symbolizing the unity and invincibility of the nation. The demonstration was held peacefully, in a civilized manner, in accordance with the norms of public order. The organizers of the rally expressed gratitude to the Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia for respectful attitude, understanding and ensuring implementation of the peaceful demonstration of the Armenian community in Georgia.

Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)