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Let Us Love and Learn Our Mother Language PDF Print E-mail

A1On February 24, 2018, the Hayartun Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted the next event of the “Saint Gregory of Narek” Sunday school of the Educational department of the Diocese entitled “Let us love and learn our mother language”. Thus Armenians of Tbilisi expressed their admiration for a great treasure - Armenian language.

The event was organized by meritorious teacher Tamara Gaboyan, with the participation of the “Nerses Shnorhali” youth choir (Choirmaster Maria Abulyan, Piano accompanist Karen Mirzoyan), the Taron Dance Group (Choreographer Suren Abrahamyan), duduk and dhol classes of the Center (teachers – Ivane Mkrtchyan and Robert Kashavanidze). Almost all the students of the first and second grades participated in the literary and musical event. The hall was crowded. In attendance were intellectuals, parents, leaders of NGO’s. Among the participant of the event were the fifth and seventh graders from Daragyugh village of Tsalka region, led by the School’s Principal Alisa Abajyan, 2teachers Nana Soghomonyan and Nektar Dandilyan.

Eugenia Markosyan, Director of the Educational Department of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, gave opening remarks. She congratulated the attendees on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, and called on the people present to speak Armenian at home, which will offer a good opportunity to practice the language.

The students, who have strayed far from their mother language, but with the call of the soul are learning to speak Armenian, with good Armenian accent and correctly placed emphasis, made a reference to the creation of the Armenian Alphabet and the history of the Armenian nation. The school’s students bowed in memory of Mesrop Mashtots, presented the historical episodes of Armenian struggles, took the audience along the paths of Armenian literature to mother tongue immortality, rich culture, 3spreading a strong message to preserve the mother language and the homeland, preserve our great material and non-material heritage which holds universal values.

The heartfelt and moving recitations by the school students blended harmoniously with the songs devoted to the Armenian alphabet, the Armenian nation and the Homeland performed by the choir, as well as national dances, duduk and dhol melodies.

Levon Chidilyan, Director of the Cultural Department of the Diocese; Karine Manukyan, Coordinator of National School Projects at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia; and Roza Zohrabyan, the teacher of “St. Yeghia” Sunday school; President of “Kamurj” Public, Literary and Cultural Organization, Gayane Bostanjyan, thanked the teacher and the organizers for the patriotic and warm event, they called upon parents to give their children an Armenian upbringing, bring them closer to our precious language, to send their children to an Armenian school. Thus they will facilitate children’s learning, and create a type of Armenian, who has preserved one’s true national identity.4

In his closing remarks, spiritual servant of the Saint Etchmiadzin Church and the superintendant of the Hayartun Center, Rev. Father Manuk Zeynalyan conveyed to the attendees the fatherly blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, highly appreciated the fact that the teenagers are going back to their roots and nation, as well as their decision everywhere to stay faithful to the Armenian language and Christian faith. Father Manuk exhorted the parents not to break their children away from their nation and traditions, not to deprive them of their mother tongue, but to raise a patriotic generation.

Events dedicated to Mother Language Day continue in the Armenian communities of Georgia.

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