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Divine Liturgy Celebrated and Children Received Gifts in Arakova PDF Print E-mail


On January 28, 2018, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, staying true to his mission to celebrate a Divine Liturgy in one of the villages of the General Prelacy, was on a pontifical...

A1On January 28, 2018, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, staying true to his mission to celebrate a Divine Liturgy in one of the villages of the General Prelacy, was on a pontifical visit to the Arakova village of Akhalkalaki region.27164537 1588668817882159 5257675687077719814 o

It was a festive day; the local Surb Gevork Church was crowded. The faithful from Arakova and residents of nearby villages, the personnel of the Khrimyan Hayrik Kindergarten, parents and their children came to welcome the Diocesan Primate and to receive his blessings.

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese celebrated the Divine Liturgy, with the participation of assistant to the Primate, Deacon Gevork Antonyan; and the deacons of the Holy Cross Church in Akhalkalaki. The choir (led by the priest’s wife Narine Ter-Mkrtchyan), which is made up of kindergarten students from previous years, sang religious hymns during the liturgy. It was an 27174018 1588667267882314 832234904255904880 oemotional and original ceremony, as religious hymns could be heard from one side and from the other side the voices of children, who came with their parents and grandparents, were heard.

During the Divine Liturgy, the Bishop preached on the mystery of the day, with the sermon’s epigraph “But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)

The bishop blessed the children in attendance and their parents, who bring their children to Mass from a very early age, bringing them closer to faith and church. The Diocesan Primate expressed his appreciation to Rev. Father Tadeos Ter-Mkrtchyan, Pastor of Arakova and nearby villages, for his service, wished the attendees peace and long life.

At the Khrimyan Hayrik Kindergarten (adjunct to the Armenian Diocese in Georgia), more than thirty students of Kindergarten from Arakova and nearby villages, with their parents, enjoyed the warm and 27368365 1588668977882143 5708651065027565202 ofriendly atmosphere created after the Divine Liturgy.27021847 1588667474548960 1774506977128624458 o

The Primate extended his blessings and appreciation to the kindergarten teachers, reflected on the important role of teachers and parents in forming a child’s personality, child development, education and upbringing.

The Diocesan Primate didn’t come empty-handed. Surprise waited for the attendees, New Year’s and Christmas gifts were distributed to the children. The 27337336 174992653265655 1607694340972030537 nboxes “A gift for my friend” sent by Germany’s Christian communities turned their day into a day of celebration. Children’s high spirits infected the Bishop and the people present.

Following the Divine Liturgy in Arakova, the Diocesan Primate visited the Youth Center in Akhalkalaki. On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces 27459933 174993386598915 1088765920831482347 nof the Republic of Armenia, the Center hosted a celebratory event.

At the conclusion of the event, the Bishop extended his blessings and appreciation to Artak Gabrielyan, Chairman of the Union of Armenian NGOs in Samtskhe-Javakheti; and Karine Tadevosyan, Chairwoman of ARS Georgia Karine Tadevosyan, for organizing national holidays celebration at a high level, and the involvement of young people of Javakheti in the events.

In the evening, after completing His pontifical visit to Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia returned to Tbilisi.