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President Serzh Sargsyan Visits the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center for Science and Culture PDF Print E-mail

A1On the margins of his official visit to Georgia, on December 25, 2017, President Serzh Sargsyan, accompanied by First Lady Rita Sargsyan, and his delegation visited the “House of Hovhannes Tumanyan” Center for Science and Culture. Ruben Sadoyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, and his wife accompanied the guests.1

The guests were welcomed by the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan and introduced them to the Diocesan officials.

Director of the Scientific and Cultural Center Gissane Hovsepyan, briefed attendees on the history of Hovhannes 2Tumanyan’s last home in Tbilisi, referring to the return of Tumanyan's Tbilisi house to the Armenian community of Georgia. She extended her kind words of gratitude to the Armenian President, the patriotic benefactors and benevolent foundations for their contributions, as Tumanyan's house was purchased and entirely transferred to the Diocese; the Center was opened and the rooms were refurbished. The Director of the Center also spoke about ongoing activities, the mission of which is to preserve creative atmosphere of the “Great inhabitant of Lori”, to strengthen and boost the existing friendly ties between Armenians and Georgians, which is expressed through hosted here meetings, presentations, discussions, plays presented by the puppet theater.4

The high-ranking officials from Armenia toured the Center, viewed the halls, rooms, expressed satisfaction at the exterior and interior of the house; they were seen to the balcony and admired the view.

With the traditions of Tumanyan’s house, the poet had received worthy sons of the nation and hosted tea parties. An old tradition saw 5restoration; the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia invited the President of Armenia and his delegation to a tea party. In the library, which has books in four languages, around the table laid according to old Tbilisi traditions, a discussion was held in a warm atmosphere between the Armenian President, his delegation members and the guests. President Serzh Sargsyan and First Lady Rita Sargsyan expressed their willingness to support the Сenter’s mission.6

The guests watched a film about the Center’s background history and ongoing activities.

Artist Armen Hovhannisyan presented First Lady Rita Sargsyan with a doll resembling the character from the legend of Akhtamar, created by him.