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«Erivan» Dance Ensemble Gives Concert in Akhaltsikhe PDF Print E-mail


On March 26, 2017, at the invitation of the Spiritual Superintendence of Akhaltsikhe, Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, the “Erivan” Dance Ensemble (Artistic Director Vardan Karapetyan) from the Republic of Armenian arrived in Akhaltsikhe.

The Dance Ensemble gave an inspiring concert at Meskheti State Drama Theatre in Akhaltsikhe. Spiritual Superintendent of Akhaltsikhe, Rev. Father Hakob Sahakyan conveyed his greetings to the guests. The choir of the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church and the Center’s students welcomed the “Erivan” Dance Ensemble with their performances.

The occasion was honored with the presence of Mayor of Akhaltsikhe Vladimir Zedginidze, President of the Sakrebulo Davit Lomidze.

The Dance Ensemble from Armenia expressed gratitude to the Spiritual Superintendence of Akhaltsikhe for the invitation and for a chance to present their art in Akhaltsikhe. The concert represented one more step that helps to strength Armenian-Georgian cultural ties.

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