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Presentation of Publications of the State Agency for Religious Issues PDF Print E-mail


On January 24, 2017, at the initiative of the State Agency for Religious Issues, the National Youth and Children’s Palace in Tbilisi hosted an event dedicated to the presentation of the books published by the order of the State Agency. In attendance of the presentation were the representatives of legislative and executive branches of government, diplomatic mission, the Georgian Orthodox Church and the religious communities of Georgia.

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan was invited to attend the event.

Zaza Vashakmadze, the Head of the State Agency for Religious Issues, offered opening remarks; he presented brief overview of the strategic role of the four publications, which are aimed at gradual implementation of the country’s policy on religious issues; making the laws and decisions of different countries and international organizations regarding Freedom of religion and belief available to the public; increasing familiarity of state officials with common position of religious communities; as well as publication of “Interreligious Dialogue for Peace” conference proceedings.

Speeches were made by the Deputy Chairman of the Georgian Parliament, Mr. Giorgi Volski; MP Zakaria Kutsnashvili; Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Georgia, Arad Benkö; the member of the State Constitutional Commission, Anna Pirtskhalashvili; the spiritual servant of the Georgian Orthodox Church, Very Rev. Fr. Adam.

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, delivered the closing message. In his remarks, the Diocesan Primate raised issues of concern relating religious entities, including improper coverage of traditional holidays and activities of religious communities by TV channels and news agencies, rebaptizm, the reestablishment of historical justice and restitution of churches and other houses of worship, that have been confiscated during the Soviet period, to its historical owners.

The Primate highly appreciated the work undertaken by the State Agency for Religious Issues.

Following is the full text of a speech delivered by the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan.


Dear spiritual brothers, state officials, public figures, representatives of diplomatic mission, brothers and sisters,

Saint Augustine, who is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers in Western Christianity, in his teachings, says: a) unity in the main, b) freedom in the secondary, c) love in everything.

Not only religious organizations, but society as a whole, are based on spiritual, religious and cultural unity. This is precisely why it is important to promote interreligious and interfaith dialogue and freely discuss many issues and concerns. Interreligious and interfaith dialogue would lead to mutual recognition, respect for the church and individual choice, protection of religious feelings, at both the individual and national level.

Publication of necessary literature will make the information about faith, history, holidays and traditions of any religious community available to the general public and encourage interreligious dialogue. From this standpoint, we highly appreciate the activities of the State Agency for Religious Issues, created by the Georgian Government. These activities include publishing of calendars and conference reports, the dissemination of the information about religious situation review in other countries, as it may provide a good example.

Public broadcasting and famous news agencies can significantly promote interreligious and interfaith dialogue and tolerance in society. Unfortunately, we don’t give much importance to this issue, and general public often is ill-informed on people of different religion and belief living next to them in their own country. The majority of people form their own opinion based entirely on superstitions or gossips spread by emotionally driven people, which bear no relation to reality.

The position of the Georgian Orthodox Church is of high importance for peaceful coexistence of religious communities, as it has always played a unique role in the Georgian society. In this regard, many issues need addressing. Among these is, for example, rebaptizm, which is an obstacle to marriage or becoming a godfather for people of different faiths. That is to say, instead of establishing friendship, a society separating wall is being built, and that is just unacceptable.

In the autumn of last year His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, Patriarch Catholicos of all Geirgia, was asked: “What is the Orthodox Church?” His Holiness replied: “The Churches founded by the Apostles.”

We share the same position of His Beatitude and ask: How is it possible, then, that the baptism in the Roman Catholic Church, founded by the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and the Armenian Apostolic Church, established by the Apostles St. Thaddeus and St. Bartholomew, is not accepted as authentic, Orthodox? Even worse, some clergymen consider the aforementioned Apostolic Churches heretical.

It is time to wake up, take a sober look at today’s reality and see what’s going on in the region and around us, where not only Christians but orthodox Muslims are persecuted. The challenges thrown up by globalization and faced by our traditional society must unite us regardless of religious confession. We need to preserve our family customs, national spiritual and moral traditions, dedicate efforts to the education of a new generation, so that they could practice higher moral standards, build a just and egalitarian society, give people the opportunity to live a happy life.

It is necessary to think about the reestablishment of historical justice and restitution of churches and other houses of worship, that have been confiscated during the Soviet period, to its historical owners.

Beyond doubt, the Georgian government is making positive steps in the right direction, for example, the establishment of the State Agency for Religious Issues and its effective activities, partial compensation of damages inflicted upon religious communities during the Soviet regime; mosques and synagogues were returned to the Muslim and Jewish communities respectively; restitution of the churches and property that used to belong to the Georgian Orthodox Church.

History knows many examples of wars and atrocities committed in the name of religion or faith. It is good to recall the words of Pope Francis about the situation in the Middle East: “Don’t kill people and don’t try to justify your actions by the name of God.”

Thus, one must keep in mind the teaching of Saint Augustine, which has not lost its relevance today, and spread love and unity, show tolerance and respect for one another, regardless of religious confession, ethnic and racial differences, as we are all children of God.

God bless you all! Let Lord instill kindness in our minds and hearts and lead us to the safe harbor!

The Primate Of The Diocese Of The Armenian Apostolic

Orthodox Holy Church In Georgia,

His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan

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