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Report: Work Undertaken by the Georgian Regional Committee and the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail

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On February 26, 2016, the annual report on the work undertaken by the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and on the activities of the Georgian regional committee on the organization of the events regarding the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide for 2015 was presented.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Mr. Yuri Vardanyan honored the meeting with his presence.

In attendance were committee members from Akhalkalaki, Ninotsminda, Akhaltsikhe, Tsalka, Batumi and Tbilisi, the Hayartun Center Council members, the clergy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, the employees of the Diocesan Headquarters.

The meeting was opened with the Lord’s Prayer and the blessings of the Diocesan Primate.

The Committee Secretary Gisane Hovsepyan presented in detail more than 100 commemorative events held in the Armenian-inhabited Georgian regions, such as 10 exhibitions, 20 cultural events, 8 memorial evenings; 12 Khachkars(cross-stones) were installed; Georgian MPs of Armenian origin addressed the Parliament of Georgia urging to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide; the joint prayers services for the repose of souls of the victims of the Armenian Genocide were offered in the sister churches; 7 books were launched; 11 processions and protest actions took place; Tigran Hamasyan presented a concert in the Saint Etchmiadzin Church in Avlabari et al.

The committee members and attendees spoke after the presentation of the report. They expressed satisfaction with the work undertaken by the committee. Armen Bayanduryan, artistic director of Tbilisi State Drama Theatre after Petros Adamyan, in his remarks referred to the restoration of Armenian theatre. The attendees learned that the research work is being conducted and the restoration will start at the beginning of April. Work is expected to be completed within a year and a half.

It was decided, on the suggestion of the President of the Committee, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, to make the committee the community advisory board. The suggestion was made to expand the composition of the advisory board, to invite lawyers and required specialist.

The financial report of the committee was presented during the meeting.

Director of Press and Media Department of the Diocese, Susana Khachaturyan gave a comprehensive report on the activities of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia for 2015.

The attendees gave their opinion on the work undertaken. The committee suggested paying more attention to the issue caused by the lack of students at Armenian schools in Tbilisi and Batumi. The speakers highlighted progress in the spiritual, religious, cultural, educational, youth, informative, homiletic activities of the Diocesan clergy and the employees of the Diocesan Headquarters during the reporting period.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Mr. Yuri Vardanyan, delivered the closing speech. The Ambassador highly appreciated the good work organization at the committee and the RA Presidential Letter of Appreciation awarded to the Georgian Regional Committee, which was presented to the President of the Committee.

The Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia offered his blessings to the clergy of the Diocese. The Bishop appreciated the work undertaken by the employees of the Diocese and urged to be even more productive and purposeful in their spiritual, cultural and educational service.

The committee emphasized the need to continue with Christian love, under the leadership of the Diocesan Headquarters, negotiations on the restitution of the churches that has been confiscated from the Diocese during the Soviet period. The next session of the committee is planned to be held at the beginning of April.

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