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Gusan Song Festival at the Hayartun Center PDF Print E-mail


On November 7, 2015, the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the Hayartun Center at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia hosted a concert of gusan songs and music. The actor of Petros Adamyan Tbilisi State Armenian Drama Theatre, solo performer at the Hayartun Center, Genrikh Petrosyan according to his plan and with the support of the aforementioned center, presented the Armenian community of Tbilisi a beautiful, joyous charitable evening, filled with the melodies of immortal gusans.

The talented solo performer dedicated his concert to the gusan song and paid tribute to the memory of the versatile performers of folk songs, expressing his love for national melodies, emotional poetry and folk song art.

Gusan Sheram, gusan Shahen and gusan Ashot were poets, composers, singers and accompanists at once. These pioneers of folk song had succeeded in reaching the heights of their art, gained fame, deserved national love and were granted the title of “gusan”. Genrikh Petrosyan’s solo concert included the songs of these immortal gusans. Solo performers Anna Poghosova-Badalyan and Nina Karapetyan, students of duduk and dhol classes of the Hayartun Center (teachers Ivane Mkrtchyan and Robert Kashavanidze) also performed at the concert.

Liza Torosyan served as master of ceremonies. The concert program consisted of three parts. The performance of every gusan’s work was preceded by the presentations of videos about their lives and works, once again telling the audience about gusan performer’s talent, dedication and skills. The elegant dances performed by Jeyran Dance Ensemble (Choreographer Svetlana Yeritsyan), Ani Dance Ensemble (Choreographer Angelina Nazarian-Kochian), soloists Alla Tonoyan and Liana Markaryan accompanied Genrikh Petrosyan and other singers during the event.

The concert pointed out the importance of preserving, promoting and transferring gusan songs to new generations.

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