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Commemoration of Sts. Severianos (Severianus) of Sebastia and the old man Babelas
(Babylas) St. Severianos (Severianus) of Sebastia was a famous captain serving in the royal army of the town Samosat of Pokr Haik (Armenia Minor), during the reign of the King Likianos. When forty soldiers of the regiment called “Armenian Legion” are imprisoned, St. Severianos visits them and takes care of them. Even after their death he continues to defend and protect the Christians and to criticize the authorities for their persecutions against Christians. For such behavior Severianos is taken to the court, subjected to severe torments and is martyred. The old man Babelas (Babylas) was a teacher from Nikomedia, living during the reign of the King Maximinos, He taught the Holy bible to the children. The heathens inform the King that he teaches the Holy Bible to the children and educates them in Christian spirit. In response to the King’s question: “Why do teach the children foreign faith and not our faith?" the old man answers: “Because the Christian faith is the true faith”. Upon the King’s order Babelas is imprisoned and subjected to torments. The King’s servants try to persuade the children to worship the idols, but in response the listen: “We will never worship the stone idols:” After that the teacher and his eighty-four disciples are beheaded. When is celebrated28.10.2008 |